Discourses, representations and educational practices about the bodies of school children. Argentina at the beginnings of the twentieth century


  • Lucía Lionetti Dra. en Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España. Docente e Investigadora del Departamento de Historia-Instituto de Estudios Histórico Sociales “Prof. Juan C. Grosso” (IEHS), Universidad Nacional del Centro


In the Modernity there was formed an idea of the body centred on the regulation of the life of the population (bios) and on the “disciplinamiento” of the body of the individuals (biopoder). In the beginning of the 20th century in Argentine, in the context of the “social question”, one appealed to the representations concerning the idea of the social body and of the body of the individuals. To the body of the Nation he imagined it under the notions of disease and health, integration and exclusion. Since then, the metaphors of the social body have not stopped being present in the rhetoric of the national discourse in different contexts. This paper study the diffusion and intervention of the medical speech (hygienist and eugenista) in the school institution by the intention of acting on the body of the small students to the effects of moralizing his behaviors and of guaranteeing an integral formation that was preserving his physical and intellectual health while they were estimated as the civil futures of the republic.


discourse, childhood, body, school, social order, citizenship