The struggle for temperance and "free love", between the promethean and the dionysian: the moral discourse of the chilean anarchist at the beginning of the twentieth century


  • Eduardo A. Godoy Sepúlveda Programa de Magíster en Historia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, USACH


In the following article there is approached the moral speech of the Chilean anarchists of beginning of the 20th century concerning the consumption of alcohol and the loving practices from the analytical categories of the French sociologist Michael Maffesoli. It is postulated that the anarchistic speech passed indistinctly among the “promethean theory” and the “Dionysian thing”, since that on one hand, the non-conformist press repudiated the consumption of alcohol, while, it was allowing the reproduction of the political domination and economic subjugation, on the other hand, it bet for antagonistic formulae of love on the traditional ones, the “free love “, without juridical ties, not religious.


Morality, anarchism, free love, alcoholism