Jorge Prat and national action (1963-1966). The antecedent to national party


  • José Díaz Nieva Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1993). Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (2013). Profesor Titular de la Universidad Santo Tomás (Chile)
  • Mario Valdés Urrutia Magíster y Candidato a Doctor en Historia por la UNED (Madrid). Profesor de la Universidad de Concepción (Chile)


National Action was a small nationalist political party that emerged from the 1964 frustrated Jorge Prat Echaurren’s presidential candidature. After the parliamentary elections of 1965, in which the right obtained a residual parliamentary representation, National Action proposed to merge conservatives, liberals, nationalists and non-marxist independents in a new political group. This is an account of its short existence.


Chile, Right, Nationalism, Jorge Prat, National Action, National Party