Habitability of minimum housing and the cities under global pandemic: COVID-19 in Mérida Mexico



This work addresses the problem of urban health research provided by the architectural models of urban development of minimal and high-density housing, from its creation with the aim of reducing its deficit among lower socioeconomic classes and under the protection of the compact city, but without assessing how these development models impact the creation of other deficits such as the habitability of cities and their sanitary conditions, which becomes relevant in times of a global pandemic due to the COVID-19 outbreak by SARS-CoV-2 virus. The results of the work are presented around the analysis of the habitability of the housing unit as a system of systems made up of three axes that constitute essential and tangible attributes of the dwelling and in its architecture and urban planning scales: Physical functionality, climatic adaptability, and safety of construction, on which depend their health conditions (enjoy good health) and sanitation (be healthy or good for health).


habitability in minimal housing, urban habitability, healthy and sanitary housing and cities, Merida (Mexico)

Author Biography

María Elena Torres Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Profesora e investigadora Facultad de Arquitectura, Unidad de Posgrado e Investigación, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.


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