
Meridional. Chilean Journal of Latin American Studies is pleased to invite you to participate in the dossier “Relevance of Latin American Marxism: Thinking from, with, and beyond Michael Löwy’s work”, which consists in our 21st volume, to be published in October 2023. 

Exile, Lyric Subject and Language in the Poetry of Cristina Peri Rossi


  • Marina Popea Universidad de Chile


This article examines the relationship between the experience of exile (understood as an extreme experience that questions the representational capacity of language) and the conformation of a lyric subject in the poetry of Cristina Peri Rossi. To that end, it gives an account of the evolution of such subject throughout various books, ranging from the beginning of the author’s poetic production, in Uruguay, to her works following her exile in Spain (more specifically, from Evohé to Estado de exilio). Understanding the poetic utterance as a process of construction of a lyric “I,” as stated by Janusz Slawinski, our hypothesis is that the lyric subject constitutes a category of analysis that allows us to comprehend the author’s poetics and, in the present case, her treatment of the changing political and social circumstances. We thus affirm that the crisis that affected Uruguay during the ‘60s, followed by the experience of the civic-military dictatorship and that of exile, are thematized through the conformation of the lyric subject along two main lines: its relationship with the other (including its relationship with society and the poet’s function in this context), and its relationship with language.


Cristina Peri Rossi, exile, lyric subject, fragmentation, language