
Call for Papers. Special Number "100 Years of Social Work: Discussions and Perspectives on the Discipline's Past, Present and Future". Submissions in Spanish or English until the 30th October 2024 for publication in April 2025 (Issue 9). For more information please see the following link.

Rescue and Promotion of Memories: Reflections from the Investigative Work of Social Work.



This article identifies and develops the central moments that, from my point of view, occur in the development of a line of research from social work in the field of human rights and memories. This is based on three initiatives for the collection, rescue and dissemination of these memories in which I have been able to collaborate by assuming a coordinating role. These are related to the experiences of the victims of the military civil dictatorship that occurred between 1973 and 1989, linked to the Paine and Cerro Chena episode (communes located in the southern part of the Metropolitan Region) as well as those who were students and graduates of the Social Service career. From this exercise, it is expected to contribute with a reflection that makes it possible to socialize approaches and some learning and challenges of the research work, which allow us to move towards a critical and situated reflection that enriches our professional work in this field of study.


disciplinary heritage, justice, rescue of memories, testimonies, Chile

Author Biography

Daniela Aceituno Silva, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez

Social Worker from the Metropolitan University of Technology (UTEM), Master of Political Science with a focus on Public Policies from the University of Chile, and currently a doctoral candidate in Social Sciences at the National University of La Plata (Argentina). Currently, she works at the National Institute of Human Rights (Metropolitan Regional Office) and is a lecturer at the School of Social Work of the Silva Henríquez Catholic University (UCSH)


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