Abortion in the public scene: activisms, feminisms and artistic creations in the province of Tucumán (Argentina)



The article we present here seeks to recover, describe and analyze two artistic expressions around abortion, made by feminist activists from the province of Tucumán (Argentina) in 2017. We are referring to the book Manchón y cuenta nueva. Antología de relatos sobre abortos (2017) and the street intervention of the virgin who aborts, carried out by the feminist group Socorro Rosa Tucumán. Both were part of the claims and demonstrations of feminist activists to the Argentine State for the legalization of abortion. To analyze these artistic expressions, we appeal to journalistic sources, information available on social networks and an in-depth interview conducted with one of the protagonists of the street intervention who was also one of the authors of the aforementioned book. From the analysis carried out, it is possible to consider that the artistic productions speak of their time and reflect, through aesthetic and metaphorical resources, some aspects of the surrounding social climate.


Activisms, artistic expressions, feminisms, abortion, situated knowledge

Author Biography

María Milagros Argañaraz, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Psicóloga Egresada de la Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT). Especialista en psicología clínica de niños/as y adolescentes (UNT. Cohorte 2016). Especialista en Estudios sobre violencia por razones de género contra las mujeres (CLACSO-FLACSO. Cohorte 2021). Docente en la Catedra Historia de la Psicología (UNT). Investigadora en el proyecto de investigación PIUNT (2023-2026) “Locura y encierro en la provincia de Tucumán desde la perspectiva de derechos humanos, géneros y subjetividades” financiado por Secretaría de Ciencia, Arte e Innovación Tecnológica (UNT). Doctoranda en proceso a través de una beca doctoral otorgada por el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)