Theme and objective
The Journal of Public Policy Studies (REPP, Revista Estudios de Políticas Públicas) is an academic publication, oriented to the analysis of public policies and their management from a multidisciplinary perspective. Its objective is to offer a space for discussion to disseminate manuscripts that contribute substantively, from theoretical approaches and empirical research results to the resolution of the wide variety of public problems in Latin America.
REPP receives theoretical and empirical manuscripts in different areas of the field of public policy analysis: 1) formulation of public policies; 2) governance, public administration, and public policies; 3) comparative public policies; 4) sectoral and local public policies, 5) political institutions and processes, 6) public management and State reform; 6) theoretical and methodological perspectives in public policy analysis.
The works published in REPP are open access. We publish articles subject to the conditions of double-blind refereeing and reviews of relevant publications in this subject area. Likewise, the submission and publication of manuscripts does not imply any type of monetary cost for the authors.
The official language of the journal is Spanish, however, the Revista Estudios de Política Públicas receives and publishes articles in English and Portuguese.
The Journal of Public Policy Studies is published biannually, on the last day of the months of June and November.
Dates of receipt of articles
The Journal of Public Policy Studies receives articles at any time of the year, however each volume has a deadline: April 30 for the June volume; and September 30 for the November volume.
Regarding plagiarism
All articles submitted to this publication will be monitored through an online search and through the plagiarism detection software: Turnitin. The anti-plagiarism process carried out by the journal is the first step that the Editorial Team takes when it receives an article. This consists of uploading the document to the Turnitin platform and identifying a percentage of similarity with existing sources, in each article the report provided by said software is downloaded.
When the percentage of similarity is equal to or greater than 20 percent, the Editorial Team will inform the author that the article is rejected. The journal reserves the right to publish the article. When the percentage is less than indicated, the report provided is reviewed to dispel doubts regarding the sources used. If deemed necessary, the Editorial Team will contact the author requesting that he clarify in detail those sections that are sent to them. If the article is accepted, it will continue with the evaluation process established in the publication policies.
This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The Journal of Public Policy Studies allows simultaneous publication in self-archiving systems or institutional repositories.
Disclaimer of liability
The opinions and facts contained in each article are the sole responsibility of their authors.
The journal of public policy Studies does not make any type of charge for sending, processing and editing of articles (APC).
The Journal of Public Policy Studies is not responsible, in any case, for the credibility and authenticity of the works.
The magazine also does not pay financially to those who contribute to it by publishing.
Sources of funding
REPP is edited by Faculty of Physical Sciences and Mathematics of Universidad de Chile.
REPP does not receive funding from private entities and does not advertise of any kind.
The Journal of Public Policy Studies is accrites to the San Francisco Declaration on the Evaluation of Research (DORA)