Call for papers special issue

Special issue: "Participation and Social Struggle Organizations in the Construction of Social Policies"

The social uprisings in Latin America, specifically in Colombia, Chile, Peru, Brazil, and Ecuador, are framed within a diversity of structural causes and historical problems. These include increasing inequalities, the crisis of capitalist models in the region, the rise in public debt, and the deterioration of urban living conditions, especially in terms of safety and social coexistence. In this scenario, new forms of participation and social organization emerge, oriented towards community survival, mutual aid, and resistance against neoliberal policies, which have weakened the social fabric. Currently, we witness a scene where social organizations in the region, through innovative modes of participation such as artivism, cyberactivism, and various alternatives, adapt spontaneously and complexly, seeking to reclaim social justice and universal well-being in state policies. In this context, the volume calls for the submission of articles addressing the following topics:

  1. Theories on participation, organization, and social policy.
  2. New modes of participation and organization in public policies.
  3. Impact of social uprisings on state public action.
  4. Generation of knowledge about public policies and social organizations.
  5. New networks and actors in social policies in the region.

Manuscripts should be submitted through our submission portal. For more details on the submission process and editorial guidelines, please visit our website at:

Deadline for article submission: August 26, 2024
Special issue publication date: November 29, 2024

Bairon Otálvaro Marín and William Rojas Rojas
Universidad del Valle