Aysen social movement. A case analysis of citizen impact on the public policy agenda


  • Miguel Pérez Universidad de Chile


This study was to learn lessons for the design of public policies with a territorial approach. We studied the Aysen social mobilization and its impact on the public agenda. The Aysen region has a stable economic growth, however it is the fourth most unequal region in the country. If we adjuste the poverty line according to the regional cost of living, it could be double from the current measurement. The 76% of the agreements taken in the Aysen social table, were not considered in the Government Plan 2010-2014. Therefore, the level of impact on public policies was low. Most government proposals focused on changes in orientation of public instruments. The modifications of governance methods were generated in lesser extent. Definitely the State organizational culture had no change. Resistance to deep changes by the Executive became evident after the omission of actions intended to change the highest level of impact on public agenda.


Social conflicts, social movements, Aysen, influencing public agenda