This research analyzes the changes in cultural institutional framework in Chile, from the National Council for Culture and the Arts towards to the creation of a Culture Ministry. It describes why a participative entity was not able to respond to the needs of the cultural sector and was required the creation of a ministerial institution. The study analyzes, from the perspective of public policy design, the media and stakeholders role in the discussion about the creation of the Culture Ministry. The quantitative content analysis technique was used, as well as an official sources documentary analysis was made. It is concluded that the creation of a Ministry can demonstrate first of all the failure of the Council to respond to the needs of the cultural sector and the existence of a bottom-up type figure could not resist the weight of the traditional administrative political organization. Furthermore, it was possible to observe resistance to the creation of the Ministry, which are related to the content of the project, rather than the figure itself.
Governance, cultural institutional framework, emerging strategies, systemic agenda, institutional agenda
Baeza, C. (2016). Modern Governance spaces in Chile: The case of the National Council for Culture and the Arts. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 2(1), 136–148.