The article presents the current panorama of regional integration and the new regionalism in Latin America and the Caribbean with a review of the emerging issues such as the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit), the megaregional negotiations, the renegotiation of the Treaty of Free Trade of North America (NAFTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The challenges of the processes of regional integration and new regionalism in areas beyond trade exchange which involve the gradual macroeconomic coordination and also in policies and norms including infrastructure, energy and regulatory areas are also considered. The challenge of strengthening the link with China and Asia-Pacific, trade in services, regulatory coordination and productive integration as mechanisms of deeper regional integration stands out.
Regional integration, regionalism, new regionalism, trade agreements
Hernández, R. (2018). The crossroad of regional integration and the new regionalism. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 4(1), 149–159.