The objective of this paper is to describe the presence of men in the prevention of violence against women in the normative and programmatic areas in Mexico. Two facets were taken: violence in heterosexual couple relationships and trafficking in women for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. The study carried out in documentary nature using different secondary sources of information. The study period comprised from 2008 to 2018. There is an important normative and programmatic body around the prevention of intimate partner violence, but not in the area of trafficking of women for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation, related to the implementation processes. The evaluation is scarce and in general refers to quantitative formulations. The way the budget assigned to solve violence against women is presented does not allow identifying the one destined for prevention.
Public policy of prevention, Violence against women, Men
Ramírez, J. C., & Gutiérrez, N. C. (2018). If it is about prevention (violence against women), what about men?. Journal Studies of Public Policy, 4(2), 55–77.