The current state of the right to food and food policies in three mexican entities



According to specialized literature, there is progress in the legal framework of the human right to food in Mexico. However, this is not always reflected in food policies or in people's lives. The objective of this work is to analyze the current state of the right to food, placing emphasis on three Mexican states: Mexico City, Nuevo León and Oaxaca. To this end, an analysis of the food legal framework, food policies and evaluations of said policies was carried out. It was found that the general food panorama due to economic factors, armed conflicts and climatic issues is unfavorable. Furthermore, there is still no current framework law on food matters, which encourages food assistance policies evaluated mainly under the poverty approach, which is not the most relevant to evaluate this right. Which allows us to conclude that the validity and harmonization of a general law on the right to food specialized in the matter is urgent, which regulates the implementation of a more sustainable food system, and that food policies are evaluated beyond the limitations of development. social.


Right to food, food policies, evaluation of food policies